Saturday, March 21, 2015


It's early - 3am Seattle time, 5am in Chicago. I'm in Chicago. I went to bed a few hours ago but can't sleep because my heart and my mind are so full of excitement, gratitude and I am overflowing with ideas. I just finished mapping out strategies and plans to execute when I get home.

I'm motivated and inspired yet I feel like I have been hit by a dump truck. I mean, yes, I'm tired because there has been a significant lack of sleep but inspiration is something exhausting because when you're inspired to make any sort of change the needed amount of time and work that has to be invested is sometimes staggering.

Which makes me wonder, how many times have I been inspired but the time and work linked to the inspiration was too much?

It also makes me wonder where inspiration comes from. Yesterday I was sitting in a conference room and heard multiple speakers sharing best practices about different subjects. Some things resonated with me, others didn't. The interesting thing, the things that didn't resonate with me totally landed on my colleagues and sparked feelings of inspiration.

So my thought - what the hell is that about, people being compelled by completely different things? Do feelings of inspiration that causes action lead us where we are supposed to go and to who we were meant to be? Does following inspiration lead us to more complete lives and away from the thoughts of, 'what is life all about anyway?'

I like to think yes.

And I'm not talking about crazy change your life inspiration. Sometimes the thoughts we have about being a little kinder, speaking a little less and listening more, speaking better of your own self - action on those small thoughts can start you on a new path of wonder and unlimited possibilities. I say that because I did that.

Since I've been in Chicago I have felt like pinching myself on several occasions. I am living a life that I used to dream about. When I first arrived in Chicago a couple days ago I walked in a room of colleagues, people I have grown to love and respect beyond description because we all want to make life better for the people around us.

Rewind several years ago. I didn't think kindly of myself much less pay much attention to what I could do for other people. I was ashamed to share my real thoughts and feelings with people. I was ashamed how I was born - gay - which didn't allow me to be my true and authentic self.  Now authenticity is my most cherished attribute.

When I am on top of a mountain I am thankful that not every mountain looks the same. I am thankful for the different species of tree, flower and rock that make each view different and beautiful and interesting. So it is with people - we are all unique and different and interesting. Our differences make the world dynamic and beautiful and have the ability to teach us love, compassion and acceptance. When we consciously try to be different than who we are we are we are totally dis serving the world - especially ourselves. Because we were born to be ourselves!

Among the inspiration I have felt the last few days,  I have been inspired to be kinder to myself. To love myself more. To recognize my goodness and to stand confidently in it. And it's funny, when I recognize and practice the goodness in myself, I recognize the goodness in everything around me. Give it a try, it's pretty cool!

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