Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Superhero of my life

Right now in this every moment I am sitting in a nice waiting area waiting for a meeting to start and I am plotting a way to steal a sign that is above me. 'Yo! Be the Superhero of Your Life! (Yo! totally makes the sign, btw) Yes! Be the superhero of your own life! I'm totally into it. I want to be the superhero of my life, yo!

If I was the superhero of my life what would I do differently?

For starters, I wouldn't be so damn afraid of change. I would live in the moment and DO MORE of, well, do more of everything that is cool.  I would be an active participant in creating the life I have always dreamt of living instead of just thinking about it. I would be less busy with things that don't really matter and more busy with things that make my heart smile. I would listen to music that fills my soul. I would stop being on the internet so much. I would spend my free time in books or taking naps on the beach. I would travel.

If I were the superhero of my life I would be more physically fit and eat really good food ALL THE TIME. I would go on more adventures instead of looking at the adventures other people go on via TV and social media. I would be a better listener and make more lasting and meaningful friendships. I would use my hands more doing projects or writing 'Thank You' cards or writing that book I have always wanted to write. I would make more fires on the beach, sing loudly in the car with the windows down - I would live the way I try to live in the summer but I would do it year round.

If I were the superhero of my life I would go to bed most days with a tired body and mind. At the end of my days I would have a smile on my face and feelings of gratitude in my heart. I would feel excited to wake up the next morning and do it again.

I would be the kind of superhero that loves hard and forgives easy. I would be a good listener and be able to empathize and show compassion. I would be the superhero that people would want to hang out with because they know they'd feel valued and loved.

Turns out, all these things are totally obtainable with just a little bit of effort. Turns out, I'm turning into the  superhero of my own life, yo!

I gotta get me one of those signs!

Meeting time.

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